Registrations are now open for the InTEACT / ACS 2016 Annual Conference!
We are thrilled to be working once again with the Australian Computer Society (Canberra Branch) to bring you the joint InTEACT / ACS Conference on Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday 24th August, 2016.
The conference is made possible through the support of the Google CS4HS program, which is providing financial support and resources to InTEACT to subsidise the cost of attendance to members, and to fund the workshops on Wednesday in their entirety.
The 2016 Conference theme is Drones, Droids and Robots, and InTEACT has invited speakers from across the country to deliver a series of educational presentations and workshops to meet the professional learning needs of teachers. Speakers in the ICT Education stream include:
- Professor Tim Bell, University of Canterbury, Christchurch
- Chris Hamling, VEX Robotics
- Su-en Wililams, Girls Programming Network Canberra
- Dr. Therese Keane, Swinburne University
- Associate Professor Trish Williams, Flinders University
- Maria Milosavljevic, Chief Information Officer, AUSTRAC
In addition to the conference sessions on the Tuesday, InTEACT will also be offering places at a selection of workshops on Wednesday 24th August. These workshops include:
- Workshops:
- Computer Science Unplugged – Dr Tim Bell
- RoboCup Junior – RoboCup Junior Canberra
- VEX Robotics Competitions – Chris Hamling
- Teacher Support Session: Digital Technologies Resources and Support – Education Services Australia
A full program of the event – including a list of all of the ACS Keynote speakers and technical conference presentations – is available at https://www.acs.org.au/branches/canberra/2016-conference
To register for the conference, visit our EventBrite registration page at https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/inteact-acs-2016-conference-registration-26129260321. The event is also open to non-member teachers, so feel free to share the link to other teachers in your network – and consider encouraging them to join the association!
Financial members of InTEACT will be receiving a discount code via email they can use to reduce the price of the conference further, so if you haven’t paid your membership yet, make sure you renew to take advantage of the discount!