Connecting Educators & Cyber Professionals
(5 hours of TQI-accredited Teacher Professional Learning)
How does the Digital Technologies curriculum prepare students for future careers?
How could an industry partnership benefit your school?Who: Primary educators | School leaders | Cyber professionals
When: 9am – 4pm, Wednesday 24 April 2024
Where: The Ian Potter Foundation Technology Learning Centre, 60 Denison Street, Deakin ACT 2600
Cost: Free!
The Australian workforce is rapidly changing. Demand for digital skills is booming in every
profession, and developing a skills pipeline into areas such as cyber security is essential.
It is important to prepare and inspire students for this future in primary school through
the Digital Technologies curriculum.
The Questacon Digital Technologies Forum brings together primary educators and cyber
professionals to:
- examine the challenges in delivering the Digital Technologies curriculum.
- understand the transferrable skills that prepare students for future careers.
- promote the benefits of industry-school partnerships.
Work with other educators and cyber professionals to incorporate meaningful and real-world Digital Technologies content and skills into your classroom!
Register now!
Places are limited. Register using the link or scan the QR code.
Registrations close 5pm on Wednesday 10 April 2024.
For more information, please email
Register here: