You are invited to engage in a research study that aims to shape the future of primary school STEM education across Australia.
Your valuable insights will contribute significantly to advancing an understanding of STEM education practices. Participation is open to primary school teachers across Australia.
Participation in the study involves completing an online questionnaire, which is expected to take approximately 30-40 minutes of your time. Your participation is entirely voluntary, and your responses will remain confidential.
For further details, please refer to the participant information sheet below.
Please access the link to the questionnaire below, or alternatively, use the QR code to respond on your phone.

Link to Questionnaire:
QR code:

Thank you for your time in advance.
For more information, contact:
Lucy Bennett
Doctoral Lecturer in Education | Doctoral Fellowship (BEd, MEd)
18B15 | Faculty of Education
University of Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia
+ 61 2 6201 2446