Several cyber security students at Edith Cowan University in Perth have designed a series of challenges (beginner, intermediate and advanced levels) on the topics of Cryptography, Steganography, Digital Forensics, Software Exploitation, Web Exploitation and Reverse Engineering for high school aged students. They will be running these challenges as part of a fun, semi-competitive event between teams from across Australia.
This year, the activity will incorporate a means for students to participate purely online, so the event is open to all students in Canberra. They’ll need to form their own teams, but support will be provided via Zoom to get them involved.
A practice event will be held for mentors/teachers and volunteers on 24 September, and the event will take place on the weekend of 10th and 11th October.
Event: PeCan CTF 2020
Date: 10th and 11th October
Saturday – Training day (times in AWST – add 3 hours for CBR time due to daylight savings)
9 – 9:30 – welcome and set up your laptop, your computer and yourself
9:30 – 10:00 – Crypto challenges
10:00 -10:30 – Steganography challenges practice makes perfect
10:30 – 11:00 BYO morning tea
11:00 – 11:30 – Digital Forensics – can you find the nugget
11:30 -12:00 – Software Exploitation –
12:00 – 12:30 – Web Exploitation –
12:30 -1:15 – BYO lunch – physical crypto challenge (Sponsored by ASD)
1:15 – 1:45 – Reverse Engineering
1:45- 2:15 – Learn to Linux, SSH, and secrets to competing in a CTF
2:15 – 3:00 – CTF tournaments (Pico, Over The wire, Pecan2019)
Sunday – Competition day
Competition runs from 9am-3pm AWST (12pm – 6pm AEDT)
Teams can register via TryBooking. Further details available by following this link. Prizes will be awarded in a range of categories (attempts, completion, attitude etc) and mailed to schools / students.