TQI and NESA Accredited! Register now at https://aca-cbr-2018-03.eventbrite.com.au/
In May 2017, InTEACT partnered with the Australian Computing Academy to run a two day workshop for teachers to learn more about the Digital Technologies curriculum and find out about the many resources available to effectively teach it to students of all ages. The workshop was very popular and tickets were sold out well in advance. Due to the popularity of the workshop, we’re pleased to announce that a repeat of the workshop will be running in March!
On March 15th-16th, Telopea Park School will host up to 60 teachers wanting to hear from experts in the Digital Technologies curriculum. Tickets are available now through EventBrite at https://aca-cbr-2018-03.eventbrite.com.au for $100, which includes catering for the two days.
Members have received emails including a discount code for a reduced registration fee! If you haven’t received this email and believe you are eligible for a discount code, get in touch with the InTEACT committee via committee@inteact.act.edu.au.
The workshop has been accredited for 10 TQI hours of professional learning.
For the first time, we’ve been able to secure NESA accreditation for this workshop for our members teaching in NSW schools. The workshop will count for 12 hours of NESA accredited professional learning at the Proficient Teacher level. Full details of the standards covered can be found on the event page linked above.
If you have any questions at all about the workshop, do not hesitate to send an email directly to the ACA team via events@aca.edu.au.
InTEACT will be partnering with the ACA to offer additional workshops later this year, so stay tuned for more opportunities for Digital Technologies-related professional learning in 2018.
A downloadable flyer for printing and/or distribution at your school is attached below.