Grok Academy are hosting a 2 day Digital Technologies workshop at the Mungga-iri Jingee site of the Future Skills Academy, Caroline Chisholm School on Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 May. The workshop covers critical elements of the Digital Technologies subject, and is targeted at teachers of students in all year levels from K-10.
Grok Academy is a charitable Not-for-profit that is the culmination of a merger between Grok Learning – a learn to code education start-up – and The Australian Computing Academy – a team of educators and computer scientists delivering resources and teacher professional development to support the Digital Technologies curriculum.
The workshop includes:
- Case studies showcasing existing practice, and school-wide scope & sequence, incorporating Grok Academy resources
- Hands-on experiences with free, classroom-ready resources that target the Digital Technologies curriculum
- Introduction to various programming tools available, including visual and text-based programming, and object-oriented approaches.
- Deep dive into Blockly/ Python / JavaScript programming, covering coding aspects of years 5-6 and 7-8 curriculum, focusing on defining and decomposing real-world problems, designing algorithms and implementing programs.
Members of InTEACT are eligible for a $40 discount on the standard $100 ticket price. The cost includes catering for both days, and all participants will leave with a collection of resources and lesson ideas that can implement in their classrooms immediately. To get a code so that you can apply the discount to the ticket price at checkout, email events@inteact.act.edu.au.

This workshop has been approved for 10 hours of TQI accredited professional learning for the 2021 registration year.
You can find out more about the event and register now using the short URL get.gl/2021Canberra