Seeking participants – Networking and Security Pilot 2021

Networked computers with a cyber security icon

InTEACT has been named as a successful recipient of a Maker projects: Community STEM Engagement Grant to pilot and develop the virtual infrastructure, learning materials and assessment items required to deliver the expected learning outcomes of the ACT Senior Secondary Networking and Cyber Security Course. We are working alongside a local Canberra security start-up, FifthDomain, and Graham Cassells at Lake Tuggeranong College, and will be seeking schools and teachers interested in testing and reviewing materials for the first two units from the BSSS Networking and Security course:

  • Networking and Cyber Security
  • Network Administration and Security

The pilot materials for the Networking and Cyber Security unit will be made available to pilot schools during Term 2, with the materials for Network Administration and Security to be made available during Semester 2.

If you are interested in piloting and/or reviewing these materials with your class, please get in touch with us via to express your interest. Our hope is that the final versions of these materials will be made available to all schools in the ACT in 2022, and that we can find ongoing funding to expand the project to cover the remaining two units in the future.

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