NRMA Future of Transport Challenge is a real word, PBL focussed on design thinking for year 7 – 10 students
Australia is looking for new technologies to reduce traffic congestion and make it easy for people living in regional areas to access work, education and medical services without needing to own a car.
We challenge year 7-10 students to take a closer look at these issues, apply design thinking and create a new product/service that addresses the social, environmental and financial needs of Australians.
Working in teams, students stretch their research, innovation and entrepreneurial skills and learn how to pitch their idea in a way that excites and informs others.
- Meets design thinking component of the NSW Technology mandatory 7 – 8 Syllabus
- Curriculum mapped
- Teacher and student education resources
- Cross curricular: STEM / PBL / Real World / Entrepreneurism / Technology /
- Geography
- Teamwork / collaboration / research / innovation
- Created and supported by the NRMA – a trusted transport industry expert
- Free of charge to all schools
Visit nrmafuturetransport.com.au to learn more and register
Key dates for 2021
- February: Registrations open
- Feb-30 August: Challenge runs in schools (at a time that suits the school)
- 31 May: Registrations close
- 13 August: Project submission deadline
- 30 August: NRMA announces the four finalist schools
- 13-20 October: NRMA mentors finalists to prepare them for finals
- 25 October: Finals held as part of the Youth Eco Summit – Secondary
We make it easy for teachers with …
- A dedicated website containing education resources for you and your students
- A 60 page design thinking playbook that takes you through the challenge
- Educational tools including assessment rubrics, pitch deck and executive summary templates
- Curriculum mapped to STEM-related subjects (NSW)
- Teacher support from the NRMA
- Free student mentoring and consultation with the NRMA, for the four finalists, to perfect their pitch
- An exciting finals event where students pitch their idea to a panel of industry experts and an audience of their peers