The situation regarding COVID-19 is constantly changing. More and more people are being asked to work from home and many schools and universities are also moving to online learning. The ACA & Grok learning wants to do everything in their power to help with this transition.
They are very aware of the impact this situation will have on student learning and are taking rapid steps to support teachers, parents, and students.
Grok learning & the ACA are giving all students free access!
Grok Learning and the ACA are taking rapid steps to support you, your students, and their parents by giving all students free access to:
- Grok’s courses and competitions (recommended for Years 3–12);
- ACA’s DT Challenges – extended from Years 3–8 (recommended for Years 3-12); and
- ACA’s Cyber Security Challenge 1 – extended from Years 7–12 (recommended for Years 5-12).
This will be available from Tuesday 24th March until Sunday 5 July 2020 (covering Australian Term 2), and includes Web.Comp (starting 11 May).
Expert tutoring live on Grok!
Starting on April 6 and for the next few months, they will be providing live, online tutoring to students through the Grok Learning platform.
The tutors are there to help your students understand concepts and guide them through solving the problem. Teachers are welcome to chat to the tutors themselves and can also see all conversations between their students and tutors.
The courses available for tutoring will be released progressively. From Monday 6th April, the following courses will have live tutoring:
- DT Challenge Chatbot (Blockly and Python)
- DT Challenge Turtle (Blockly and Python)
- Introduction to Programming (Python)
- Introduction to Programming (Blockly)
- BBC micro:bit Crash Course
Please visit Grok Learning for more information