InTEACT would like to congratulate Year 12 student Abbie Don for winning the WIC Student Encouragement Award in 2018.
Abbie Don is currently attending the University of Canberra Senior Secondary College, Lake Ginninderra since February 2017.
Abbie is currently studying a double major in Information Technology, a double major in Mathematics, Essential English and Photography. Abbie is achieving at highly satisfactory standard in Information Technology, and is amongst the top of her cohort in Mathematical Methods and Essential English.
Abbie has engaged in every available extension opportunity, including the ACS Foundation Big Day In, and AMT Computational and Algorithmic Thinking Challenge, and RoboCup Junior 2017. She has contributed to the life of the College through helping out with the College Open Night – demonstrating the College VR platform to prospective students and their parents – and also with the College Musical in term 4 of year 11. Abbie gave up significant amounts of time during the semester break to help establish the school Makerspace in the library as a part of our Academic Excellence program.
Abbie is a dedicated student of Information Technology. She participated in the AMT CAT Challenge, and has demonstrated sound skills in programming and computational thinking.
Abbie has also engaged in additional extension opportunities, which required self-registration and coordination, including the ANU GET SET (Girls in Engineering and Technology Program), ANU Girls in ICT day, and the Canberra Girls Programming Network at Merici College in June. Abbie participated in the Australian Signals Directorate DISH (Defence Information Security Hub) outreach program in December 2017 and was recognised by the program leaders for her passion, teamwork and presentation.
Abbie will follow her dreams towards a career in Information Technology through tertiary studies in Information and Communications Technologies in 2019.
Abbie was nominated by her teacher Mr Matthew Phillipps. Congratulations Abbie from everyone at InTEACT.