Topic: The Robot ate my homework

AI and robotics have become flavour of the month. We hear from all sorts of quarters that AI and Robots will replace humans in all sorts of industries and will eventually (even soon, some say) achieve consciousness equivalent to humans or even surpassing humans. But with software-intensive systems prevailing, are we really heading in this direction. We examine a very ambitious space exploration mission that embodies many of the techniques being widely used. But is it AI? Will such techniques replace us in the near term?
Mike Hinchey is President of IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing) and Professor of Software Engineering at University of Limerick, Ireland. Until end of 2016, he was Director of Lero-the Irish Software Research Centre, a multi-university research centre with a footprint in each of Irelands universities. Previous positions include Director of the Software Verification on Research Centre at University of Queensland, and Director of the NASA Software Engineering Laboratory at Goddard Space Flight Center; he has also served as a NASA – Expert.
Hinchey holds a BSc in Computer Systems from University of Limerick, an MSc in Computation from University of Oxford and PhD in Computer Science from University of Cambridge. He is a Fellow of IET, British Computer Society, Irish Computer Society (of which he is also Vice President), Engineers Ireland and Engineers Australia.
He is the author or editor of more than 20 books, including the forthcoming Software Technology: 10 years of innovation in IEEE Computer (Wiley), more than 200 papers, and holds 26 patents. He is Editor-in Chief of Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering: a NASA Journal” (Springer) and Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society (Springer).