Membership Renewals Due

Thank you to everyone for your involvement over the past twelve months in the association – we had a successful annual conference that was a collaborative effort with the Australian Computer Society (ACS), and the enthusiasm shown by members for the professional learning opportunities and information we’ve distributed has been evident through your communications back to us. We couldn’t be happier with how 2015 went!

The time has come to renew your membership for the 2016/17 year. InTEACT membership runs from April 1 – March 31, so it’s time to pay your fees. Once again, we’ve kept fees to a minimum as we continue to grow to encourage more participation from other teachers and students, so please share our existence with your colleagues and get them involved in our activities.

The 2016/17 Membership fee is:

  • $30 for Full Membership
  • $10 for Student Membership

In addition to these membership categories, Full Members also have the option to join the ACS under a special arrangement we have made with the ACS Canberra Branch. The optional ACS Membership is $70, bringing your total membership to $100 if you choose this option. Membership of the ACS includes a range of benefits including access to more professional learning opportunities and technical training and certification. Complete details about ACS membership can be found on our membership form.

To renew your membership and choose the category that is most appropriate for you, simply go to and complete the necessary details. An invoice will automatically be generated for you which you can either pay personally, or potentially pass on to your school if they are willing to cover the cost of your membership to the association.

I’d also like to take this opportunity to introduce the new committee:

  • President – Bruce Fuda
  • Vice-President – Cathy Crook
  • Secretary – Juliette Major
  • Treasurer – Vacant
  • General Committee Members:
    • Fatima Beyroutieh
    • Joel Cowey
    • Ellie Croft
    • Toni Falusi
    • Steve Madsen
    • Mitch Tummers

Thank you to everyone who has volunteered their time and energy to be a part of our committee this year. It’s always great to see more people getting involved and bringing new ideas and thinking to our decision-making group. We are still looking for a treasurer, so if this sounds like something you could assist with please let me know. We’re also happy to hear from other members interested in making regular contributions to committee decisions as general members.

The committee has decided that we will be overhauling our online presence this year, starting with our website and communication methods. I will be sending out one more member update this week that will be a summary of the many upcoming activities on the horizon, but after this update we’ll be moving away from the larger newsletter-style communication and instead, will be sending out shorter, event-specific communication as it comes to hand. We hope this will increase the opportunities you have to engage with us with respect to specific events, and that it will encourage others to also consider sharing their own ICT and STEM related activities with the membership on a regular basis.

Thank you for your support so far, and I look forward to another year of exciting developments as we step closer towards full implementation of all subjects in the Australian Curriculum (and particularly the Digital Technologies) in 2017.

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