RSVP your attendance at the AGM to assist us with managing space for attendees on the evening.
Notice is hereby given to members that InTEACT will be holding our 2018 Annual General Meeting at the Australian Computer Society Offices in Deakin (Royal Lifesaving House, 26 Napier Close, Deakin) on Tuesday, 13th March at 5:30pm. All current executive positions will be declared vacant and open for members to nominate.
Per the current requirements of our Constitution, we need 10% of our current membership to be present for the meeting to be quorate. As such, we encourage all members to come along and be involved in both the AGM and the general meeting immediately following in support of the association. We will also provide online hangout details to members in the lead up to the meeting so that those unable to attend physically can be present remotely via video conference.
We will be looking for people to join the committee and help us deliver valuable services to all of our members. In addition to the four major positions on the Executive, we’re looking for people willing to help us actively contribute to the education community through marketing and promotions, social media and communications, and assisting with professional learning coordination.
The official positions available are:
- President
- Vice-President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- General Member
To nominate, download and complete a nomination form, or provide the required information in an email sent to committee@inteact.act.edu.au. We are hoping that other members could join the committee to provide fresh ideas and new perspectives so that we continue to serve the needs of our community. If you have questions about being involved in the committee, feel free to email us on committee@inteact.act.edu.au and we’ll gladly provide you with any information you need.